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What is the stability and storage conditions of starch cellulose hollow capsules?

1. Stability
Temperature effect:
Temperature is one of the main factors affecting the stability of starch cellulose hollow capsules. In high-temperature environments, capsule materials may soften, deform or even decompose, which will affect their effectiveness. Generally, starch cellulose hollow capsules will begin to change their physical properties in an environment above 40°C. Temperatures that are too low can also cause problems, especially at extremely low temperatures, where capsules can become brittle and prone to rupture. Therefore, to ensure the stability and effectiveness of the capsules, it is recommended to store them at room temperature between 15°C and 25°C. This temperature range minimizes the negative impact of ambient temperature on capsule structure and performance.
Effect of humidity:
The effect of humidity on starch cellulose hollow capsules is equally important. A high-humidity environment will cause the capsules to absorb moisture. After absorbing moisture, the capsules may become soft, swell, and even accelerate dissolution, thus affecting their stability and efficacy. In high-humidity environments, the physical form and chemical stability of capsules may change significantly. In order to keep the capsules in a dry state, it is recommended to store them at a relative humidity of 30% to 50%. If the humidity is too low, the capsules may become brittle and prone to breakage. Therefore, maintaining a moderate humidity environment is crucial for the long-term storage of capsules.
Lighting effects:
Light, especially ultraviolet light, will accelerate the degradation process of starch cellulose hollow capsules. Prolonged exposure to strong light, especially direct sunlight, can cause changes in the chemical structure of the capsule material, causing its performance to degrade. Therefore, it is recommended to store capsules in a dark place and use opaque or light-blocking containers for storage. This not only prevents the direct impact of light on the capsules, but also extends their shelf life and service life. Dark storage is essential to maintain the chemical stability and biological activity of the capsules.

2.Save conditions
temperature control:
The ideal storage temperature is 15°C to 25°C, which can minimize the impact of temperature fluctuations on the capsules. Too high a temperature will accelerate the degradation of the capsule, while too low a temperature will make the capsule brittle. Therefore, it is recommended to store the capsules in an environment with a constant temperature and avoid placing them in direct sunlight or near sources of heat or cold. If conditions permit, a temperature-controlled storage room or cold storage can be used for storage to ensure temperature stability.
Humidity control:
The ambient humidity for storing starch cellulose hollow capsules should be controlled between 30% and 50%. Too high humidity will cause the capsule to absorb moisture and become soft, while too low humidity will cause the capsule to become brittle. It is recommended to use moisture-proof equipment, such as moisture-proof boxes or dehumidifiers, to keep the storage environment dry. Storage containers should also have good sealing properties to prevent outside moisture from entering. If possible, use equipment with a humidity monitoring function to monitor humidity changes in the storage environment in real time to ensure that the capsules are in optimal storage condition.
Container sealing:
It is important to store capsules in a well-sealed container. Moisture-proof bags or moisture-proof containers can effectively prevent moisture from entering and keep the capsules dry. Choosing containers made of opaque, durable materials, such as glass bottles, plastic bottles, or metal cans, can provide good sealing and protection. After each use of the capsules, make sure the container is resealed to prevent the ingress of air and moisture. Sealed storage not only extends the shelf life of capsules, but also protects their physical and chemical stability.
Keep away from light:
Store the capsules in a dark place and use opaque or light-shielding containers to prevent light from degrading the capsules. Ultraviolet rays from sunlight can damage the molecular structure of the capsule material, causing its performance to degrade. Therefore, it is recommended to store the capsules in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. If possible, use blackout storage cabinets or boxes to provide additional protection. Dark storage is very important to maintain the long-term stability and bioactivity of capsules.

3.Additional precautions
Periodic inspection:
Regular inspection of the appearance and physical properties of capsules is a key measure to ensure their quality and stability. Capsules should be checked for discoloration, deformation or other abnormalities, and problems should be discovered and dealt with in a timely manner. A regular inspection plan can be developed to conduct a comprehensive inspection every month or quarter to record the status changes of the capsule. Through regular inspections, potential problems in the storage environment can be identified early and adjustments can be made to ensure the long-term stability of the capsules.
Batch management:
Keeping records of different batches is essential for tracing and managing inventory. Each batch of capsules should be marked with production date, batch number, storage conditions and other information to facilitate subsequent management and use. During the storage process, inventory should be managed on a first-in, first-out (FIFO) basis to ensure that capsules produced first are used first to avoid expiration. Through batch management, the source and storage status of each batch of capsules can be effectively traced, improving the efficiency and accuracy of inventory management.

Starch Cellulose Hollow Capsules

Starch cellulose hollow capsules are an innovative capsule product made from natural starch and cellulose. They are highly biocompatible and environmentally friendly and are an ideal substitute for traditional capsules. Its main features include: using natural materials, no artificial additives, safe and non-toxic, and suitable for use by all types of people, including vegetarians. It has good biodegradability, will not cause pollution to the environment after use, and is in line with the concept of sustainable development. Starch cellulose hollow capsules can maintain high stability under appropriate storage conditions and are not easily affected by temperature, humidity and light, ensuring the effectiveness of internal drugs or health products. Its excellent solubility can quickly release contents in the gastrointestinal tract, improve the absorption rate of drugs or nutrients, and significantly enhance the use effect. Starch cellulose hollow capsules are suitable for encapsulating various forms of drugs, health products and food supplements, such as liquids, powders, granules and gels, to meet a wide range of application needs. Product specifications are diverse, colors can be customized, and packaging adopts moisture-proof and light-proof sealing design to ensure quality and shelf life. It is recommended to store it away from light in an environment of 15°C to 25°C and a humidity of 30% to 50% to ensure optimal product performance. The innovation, safety and environmental protection of starch cellulose hollow capsules provide consumers with a healthier and more sustainable choice, which is a major advancement in the pharmaceutical and health care products industry.